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video killed the internet star…

11 Apr

the dea skinny on what’s happening:

if video killed the radio star, as the buggles 1979 song noted, it will also kill the free internet as we know it today. perhaps one of the most frustrating things we see is the telecom industry self-disparagingly blaming and flagellating itself for their “telco-head” slow innovation mentality. go easy on yourselves. we don’t even remember that stupid isdn idea from decades ago. we forgive you that. unlike 2-person-inked-hipster-social-video-internet startup types who can move quickly in their studio apartment virtual world-is-flat businesses, telcos have major constraints for good reasons. we all need to get that.

it is a simple fact that telecom companies are huge, their employees numbering in the many hundreds of thousands of people, who deploy billions of dollars of network infrastructure comprised of expensive switches, fibre-optics, cell towers, transmitters, microwave, and yes, miles of conduits and telephone poles. did we mention software?  read their balance sheets. these are BIG players. you try doing it. and try doing it quickly. plus they have to deal with pain-in-the-neck regulators in a million different jurisdictions who sometimes want pie-in-the-sky open everything for nothing. in the end, if you want a simpler business to run, buy a large international airline – it is child’s play by comparison. and telcos are the people who supply you your life’s blood: the internet.

to add insult to injury, we all expect it from them for free. like free video. facebook,  webex, youtube, netflix, hulu and The Content Which Cannot be Mentioned, porno, which some estimate already consumes almost 30% of the internet at any given time and is video-bandwidth intensive in nature.  video, unlike “bursty” interactive traffic which is more easily multiplexed for which the telco nets were originally designed (voice and now data), is long content, persistent in duration and session length and THE ultimate major bandwidth hog which multiplexing technologies cannot help as a “biggest loser” medium as easily. there is short and long form video and the long form is REALLY long.

on video traffic growth, ask the whizzes at cisco if you don’t believe us nor trust what the telco engineers have been saying for ages. the recent cisco visual networking index report  which tracks visual networking traffic stats that by 2015, video traffic on the internet will be 70% of all consumer traffic. sure, this is a self-serving vendor forecast (man, did they blow their e-learning traffic growth projects in the past!) but you catch the general drift so go with us on this. they are directionally dead-on. in the ballpark. no one is arguing against their general case.

for a telcom provider, the arithmetic for all this stuff adds up. adds up big. adds up huge. as in billions and trillions of dollars world-wide. by 2015, some projections say worldwide capital spending will reach $225 billion dollars per annum. but we are a spoiled “trophy” generation who expects its sushi and creme brûlée just so and we therefore naturally expect free bandwidth because we are “digitally entitled”, having grown up and actually gotten used to the freemium freakonomics of internet access. the era of over-investment and global crossing and worldcom and excess bandwidth is long over. video ate it up while you were grooving out on youtube videos of singing cats and your company’s mind-numbing webex meetings. but if you do the math kids, you will see the party is over and you need to grow up. video is here to kill it all for all of us.

the stakes:

trillions of dollars over decades in capital expenditures and at least $225 billion/year worldwide by 2015. we said that already. did it sink in? you don’t need a nobel prize in economics to figure out “free internet video” is over. but  who will pay? you. many telecom players will start taking it out of your pockets. they have to….it’s only business to quote michael corleone in the godfather. the recent att kerfuffle around “cramming” your cell bill with extra “value added network” charges is only the beginning. 

the dea takeaway:

if you are a telecom service provider, consider handling demand with special video rate schemes. yes, we know the natives will revolt and everyone will hate you but somebody has to pay for this. the airline seats are packed to the gills now and airfares are high, but at least, for now, they are temporally profitable. you are already working with the major bandwidth hogs for revenue shares, when they will take your calls, at youtube, hulu, netflix and the porno industry (we have no idea how to contact that last group) as well as the networks. so you have 5 simple alternatives: 1.) revenue sharing with the IP video providers (and that is chump change relative to your future build-out costs) unless you share rev with google, et al. 2.)  dampen video demand through new revenue streams a/k/a higher prices, a blunt instrument which works well (aka tariff play) at the access & service layers and then tango dance with regulators to do this as only your century-experienced clever rates & tariffs people and lobbyists know how to do so well, 3.) partner again or re-think cable franchise deals/acquisitions Justice Department be damned, 4.) develop new bundled services like att’s U-verse,to offload it and charge value-add as you are doing now, or 5.) and this is the least attractive, suck it up and build massive parallel new infrastructure and cross-charge and nickel-and-dime everybody else, within the letter of the law for offerings ala internet access and cross-charge and nickel-and-dime everybody else, within the letter of the law for offerings ala internet access.

if you are a video IP TV content provider or content-producer or anyone else creating services, applications and, most importantly content, get used to the idea that you will need to bake increased IP video network telco access, transport and costs into your models now. don’t act shocked or angry when the telcos start to tell you this stuff costs money and that you have been getting a free ride for years. them days is over.

if you are a network-centric hardware, firmware or software infrastructure or service player, start innovating faster. you can make a ton of money if you continue to find new ways to compress, compact, route and shrink down bandwidth-consuming fat into nothing. this will take decades.

for more information, please contact us at 512.825.6866 to discuss the issues more fully and the specific impact & implications to your business. it’s free!

check please…mobile electronic payments are the missing plumbing we need

8 Dec

(eyeball time: 2.2 minutes unless you fast-scrub the video)

the dea skinny on what’s happening:

by now you know we are not anybody’s lapdog (we tastefully forgo using the rap music alternative submissive relationship adjective here so please note our class).

look, you have lots of stuff to track and worry about out. so we bring this to your attention because it is one of the most non-glamourous but important things you need to track so pls listen up:  it’s how you get paid. we have discussed micro-payments and all the other plumbing needed to power games and all other forms of digital entertainment. but let’s get real. digital entertainment isn’t a big enough tail to wag an electronic commerce payment solution dog. even with facebook credits. but retail business-to-consumer sure as hell is…but you already knew that. besides amazon’s, apple’s, ebays’s and paypal’s legendary contributions in the digital payment space, google now makes it possible to purchase stuff on a mobile basis in physical retail outlets with their initial wallet offering.

google, with mastercard, is blazing a trail here with no help from our friends at the telcos. verizon just delayed allowing google’s electronic wallet solution on the samsung galaxy phones. we won’t waste your time or your pixels on a deep dive on this, the la times already did a brilliant job so check this if you need more.

the stakes:

think of it this way. basic trans-platform digital currency. digital currency which works the same in ALL worlds…on all devices and all services the same way: game worlds, movie worlds, tv worlds, music worlds, real world restaurants, stores and any point of sale. the same consolidated financial transaction records and interconnected devices. beyond paypal, ebay, second life world lindens or game coins, frequent flyer points,  way beyond amex, visa or mastercard or even square up. the ancient long-gone roman empire sorta pioneered this concept with the “coin of the realm” idea. the euro, which ain’t so hot these days, is a build on it since charlemagne.  the stakes are so huge it would be an insult to even try and convince you because you are already there.

we believe telcos are in a unique position to move the mobile payment world forward, despite the vision-impaired executives at verizon (who would now go work in the netflix marketing department where they belong). players like sprint already are leading as a small mighty mouse as usual in this area,  but asia, as with most things, is way ahead of the u.s.a. on this. so we don’t see them doing it in the u.s.a. we believe all new digital payment innovation will come from asia, driven by a.) smart innovators, b.) a mobile computing-based population of 4 billion people, c.) lots of great mobile device manufacturers who work well with infrastructure players like telcos.

the dea takeaway:

if your are a creative industry content creator or publisher, get educated fast in this area and built these digital payment solutions into everything you build at the service layer. bet on multiple tables and allow your customers multiple payments options. don’t worry about accepting diners club though. we think that is over. (as they say in japan, “we just told a joke to you [now laugh or I lose face]”

if you are a telco executive, try and forget that fact, “think differently” to quote our patron saint steve jobs, and do something your industry never does: innovate. no more excuses about massive capital deployments, security, etc. that is just too lame a set of luddite excuses. all cell phones now have security built in and players like google have baked it in already. wake up and answer the phone! hellooooo! you guys need to lead. you finally woke up to the net at the turn of the century, after pushing stupid failed isdn concepts for decades, don’t make us wait on this for pete’s sake! this is huge! what are we missing here? and revise your tariffs now to make it work and don’t be so greedy like you have been with sms fees which are so high they have completely stifled innovation.

if you are a credit card player like mastercard, visa, amex, etc. continue to make the smart moves you are making with micropayment and mobile payment companies. if you don’t, risk adjustment notwithstanding, you will lose. but the good news is that you guys get it. sorta. keep pushing and spending. this is the future and you know it.

if you are a retailer, check out new alternatives in the payment space. small businesses are loving square up despite some of its severe limitations. monitor google and the phone companies if the later ever start elephant-lumbering forward soon.

micro-payments can make you rich… (when advertising is not enough and you are creative and greedy…)

9 Jul

(eyeball time: 2.5 minutes but you might read faster…)

the dea skinny on what’s happening:

asian game companies like nexon have known how to mint money with micro-payments with “free-to-play” games for years. it is their core business model with hundreds of millions of users worldwide.  but there is a wider opportunity for social networking, net tv and gaming companies, digital advertisers, content, technology and infrastructure companies to leverage micro-payments for enhanced revenues. advertising revenues can’t pay for everything in the universe. even product placement has limits – last year only $25B us was spent on them. thinking creatively about micro-payment strategies on a much wider basis across content types, applications, technologies and infrastructure could pave a road to riches for many, if everyone can just shed their very provincial and limited thinking on the matter all can get rich. maybe, if you read this.

the stakes:

billions of dollars (or second life lindens if you prefer). free-to-play gaming companies have made millions using micro-payments. we are thinking of games like nexon’s dungeon fighter, maple story, zynga’s farmville on facebook, lord of the rings online, and even small linden lab’s second life. while they have pioneered the field (although porno probably leads in this area with video chat and “dating and mating” services), there is a huge opportunity for many companies to enhance revenues by using micro-payments. it is very simple. think of anything you can sell in small amounts, say $1 to $50. in games it typically objects players need like cars, guns or clothes. but in social network, gaming  and net tv environments it could be anything you can think of…say…an old yearbook picture, an object related to an organization like a t-shirt, any object you want to gift a friend from a book to a song or food, a coupon, a promotion, household or pet products…just about anything you can sell on the net. and all within the context of specific content or context situation while another activity is underway (e.g, a game, a social network conversation, a net tv viewing experience, a document, email, etc.).

the processes. well, you need to be able to do a number of things: users & subscription management, inventory, offer and store management, offer presentation & discovery, auctioning (optional), transaction management, wallet, payment, delivery, clearing settlement invoicing, and reputation management. those are just a few areas you should be thinking about.

the plumbing. while you can build and roll-your-own micro-payment environment on your own with the usual suspects (i.e., credit card companies, paypal, banks, etc.) there are several global full service providers who can help as well and this is a very partial listing at best from the gaming world but plumbing is plumbing. [nb: we don’t have a dog in this fight or any interests in any of these companies. we are independent.] but these companies have figured out how to integrate micro-payments in context of an another simultaneous interaction which is going on with the purchase/payment transaction. they all do different things but check them out to get going. in europe, check out digital river’s fatfoogo, zaypay international, and dialxs. in asia, try ppay .and in the usa/canada, check out usemyservices, instapayment, live gamer, mochi media, livegamergamersafe. we don’t vouch for any of them but that a start for you. you want more info., hey, call us.

the dea takeaway:

most usa gaming companies with some minor major exceptions, have their heads in their heads in the sand on this. as usual, asia leads on the and most americans don’t get out very much and don’t understand they don’t lead here. asians get it big time. many usa game companies say they have studied the mirco-payment opportunity casually but have convinced themselves that the audience will feel exploited and that “hard core gamers” will feel ripped off; “it’s for casual gamers only” they tell themselves. they have also convinced themselves they can’t make money on mobile phone platforms with high SMS payouts. although many are open to the idea, they not attacking it aggressively or creatively. message to game companies: wake up and smell the coffee! it’s ready!

for social networking companies, there is a huge opportunity that goes way beyond anything facebook has done with zynga and the farmville-style franchise. there are a million things that could be turned into micro-payment revenue sources. as yoda says in starwars “do or do not, there is no try.”

for content, context, service, application, technology and infrastructure players, think about how you can build the relevant features into your offerings. get moving now.

ditto for net tv and digital advertisers. it turns out that when a customer is provided a micro-payment offer, it increases interactivity, “stickiness,”, “dwell time,” and “virality.” customers don’t see this as a “rip-off”. if they did nobody would be using gmail with its ads or any other site on the net with any kind of promotion. throw away your old assumptions and explore this space.

for more information, please contact us at 512.825.6866 to discuss the issues more fully and the specific impact & implications to your business. it’s free!

microsoft’s silverlight and the future of adobe flash and HTML5

3 Jun

(eyeball time: 2.2 minutes but you might read faster…and a bit geeky but important!)

the dea skinny on what’s happening:

microsoft’s silverlight is a free plug-in powered by the microsoft .NET framework and is compatible across browsers, devices and operating systems which plays video like adobe flash does. squashing recent rumors of a potential microsoft silverlight & apple iPhone marriage, after steve jobs slammed flash on the front pages of the wsj and the ny times a few weeks ago, the heightened attention towards the development platform comes as no surprise as discussions about html 5 and flash continue to gain steam. perhaps you can recall its use during the 2008 beijing summer olympics in china when used during the opening ceremonies. on the other side, html 5 is the latest web standard used by developers around the world. advocates claim that the standard will catapult the web into an even more advanced and interactive state.

the stakes:

apple’s dislike – or steve job’s vitriolic hate – for adobe flash can be found at the center of the recent developments fueling conversations. in fact, steve jobs’s latest smashing of anything adobe flash had many speculating what the tech giant plans to offer on its newest iPhone release this summer. adding to the fire, increased adoption and development of html 5 video support by companies such as microsoft also threaten adobe’s flash player. proponents of adobe’s flash player browser plug-in point to its influence over the internet’s current media rich, audio, video and animation environment. without it, the majority of videos online would be not viewable. however, as more and more organizations adopt html 5, the need for vendor specific plug-ins such as microsoft silverlight or adobe’s flash continues to diminish.

the dea takeaway:

for those developing, distributing and creating on the web (which we recognize is quite an ambiguous statement), the debate over which video player is one to watch. this is high stakes since 95% of all sites currently use adobe flash.  many argue that we are on a path to seeing html5 replace adobe’s flash player in the near future. and, while that may be the case in the future, there will be several large road bumps ahead. the first will require an overhaul by all browsers manufacturers to update the video codecs used natively by html 5. the world wide web consortium (W3C), which declined to specify a standard video codec, has placed the onus on these manufacturers. if html 5 is going to truly takeover, than either the browsers need to choose a single codec or figure out a way to publish in multiple formats.

the second hump is found in the shape of legal patented technology. the current h.264 technology mpeg-lis used under license from mpeg-la, a group supported by microsoft and apple. unless alternative encoders such as ogg theora or vp8 from our friends at google gain in popularity, we may see a legal battle ensue.

lastly, the third hump would be the sheer perseverance of adobe flash and its continued evolution of its flash player. the speed at which adobe can produce new innovations outpaces the adoption and implementation of html 5. therefore, browser manufacturers and developers must remain nimble and versatile because the jury is still very much out. and the track record of technology adoption always shows old technologies staying around much longer than you ever expected and the not-so-great ones winning out many times. so watch your parking meters and don’t follow leaders all the time.

for more information, please contact us at 512.825.6866 to discuss the issues more fully and the specific impact & implications to your business. it’s free!

hulu introduces personalized ads with “ad tailor”

28 May

(eyeball time: 2.0 minutes but you might read faster…)

the dea skinny on what’s happening:

on may 13, 2010, hulu  announced a handful of new improvements to the site’s experience., an online video distribution outlet (a joint venture owned between news corp., nbc universal and disney), now offers an even more refined advertisement assessment tool. Named the “ad tailor”, this system delivers personalized ads to viewers while tracking its effectiveness.

the stakes:

shifting away from its original “thumbs-up/down” system to a “is this ad relevant to you?” and offering “yes” and “no” as possible answers, allows for hulu to better understand whether the product or service being shown is relevant to the viewer. this is invaluable data for advertisers who can now quantify direct viewer results. imagine having the ability to know exactly whether the latest “modern family” audience really loves your latest deodorant. this tool helps eliminate the guessing game. In addition, the system can then recognize and recommend “better” ads for viewers.

according to the interactive advertising bureau (IAB) and pricewaterhousecoopers (PwC), online advertising spending grew 7.5 % in the U.S. in the first quarter, a clear sign that the digital media industry is recovering from a rough 2009. revenue hit US $5.9 billion showcasing a vote of confidence among companies and results in increased marketing spending in areas like online advertising. ‘s “ad tailor” can only help foster growth in this segment.

the dea takeaway:

for advertisers and brand managers, this is the magical metric measurement system you always wanted. combined with the hulu surveys, this new direct question & answer system can help really refine targeted marketing efforts. hulu serves hundreds of millions of streams per month and is a top 10 online video property which features an immense collection of premium entertainment across all genres and formats. hulu offers several packages and customized advertising solutions; however, rates are determined on an individual basis. online advertising rates are still highly competitive but significantly lower than traditional print or television spots. If you are looking for a new way to reach an audience, maybe an excellent option.

for more information, please contact us at 512.825.6866 to discuss the issues more fully and the specific impact & implications to your business. it’s free!

google tv launch and intel and others…the next network?

20 May

(eyeball time: 1.5 minutes but you might read faster…)

the dea skinny on what’s happening:

looks like Oprah isn’t the only one attempting to break into the net tv space. google and intel are expected to announce a breakthrough technology into this space with the unveiling of its “Smart Tv” platform. this new platform will feature an intel atom microprocessor running the google android operating system on a sony bravia television set. this isn’t the first attempt of technology companies to penetrate the tv industry, however, as traditional television companies scramble to add web capabilities and content, google and intel are poised to benefit from such an opportunity.

the stakes:

the net tv trans-media craze is not a new concept. first attempted in 2008 and again with sony’s recent bravia television set, the market for this type of marriage has yet to really catch on. incumbent devices, such as apple’s tv or even gaming systems such as microsoft’s Xbox, continue to lead in delivering Internet content to the home. the digital living room is definitely on the horizon. will google and intel lead us to the promise land? nobody is entirely sure. there are several factors yet to be addressed such as:

  • price points: traditionally, sony’s products are priced on the high-end. with the use of intel’s atom microprocessor, perhaps the prices will become more affordable.
  • learning curve: while google maybe a staple in our vocabulary, adoption of the android platform has yet to become mainstream. adjusting to the operating system may be a deterrent at the beginning for the general public.

the dea takeaway:

this is great news for google developers. the company is expected to call on its android developer community to create applications for tv’s. this is also a great opportunity to showcase that its software could become popular while once again boosting advertising revenues for both online and tv manufacturers. google’s entry into the consumer electronics space adds yet another foot onto their already huge footprint. as the company continues to grow, it will be essential for their competitors to recognize either ways to disrupt its growth or ride their coat tails by getting with the program.

for more information, please contact us at 512.825.6866 to discuss the issues more fully and the specific impact & implications to your business. it’s free!