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check please…mobile electronic payments are the missing plumbing we need

8 Dec

(eyeball time: 2.2 minutes unless you fast-scrub the video)

the dea skinny on what’s happening:

by now you know we are not anybody’s lapdog (we tastefully forgo using the rap music alternative submissive relationship adjective here so please note our class).

look, you have lots of stuff to track and worry about out. so we bring this to your attention because it is one of the most non-glamourous but important things you need to track so pls listen up:  it’s how you get paid. we have discussed micro-payments and all the other plumbing needed to power games and all other forms of digital entertainment. but let’s get real. digital entertainment isn’t a big enough tail to wag an electronic commerce payment solution dog. even with facebook credits. but retail business-to-consumer sure as hell is…but you already knew that. besides amazon’s, apple’s, ebays’s and paypal’s legendary contributions in the digital payment space, google now makes it possible to purchase stuff on a mobile basis in physical retail outlets with their initial wallet offering.

google, with mastercard, is blazing a trail here with no help from our friends at the telcos. verizon just delayed allowing google’s electronic wallet solution on the samsung galaxy phones. we won’t waste your time or your pixels on a deep dive on this, the la times already did a brilliant job so check this if you need more.

the stakes:

think of it this way. basic trans-platform digital currency. digital currency which works the same in ALL worlds…on all devices and all services the same way: game worlds, movie worlds, tv worlds, music worlds, real world restaurants, stores and any point of sale. the same consolidated financial transaction records and interconnected devices. beyond paypal, ebay, second life world lindens or game coins, frequent flyer points,  way beyond amex, visa or mastercard or even square up. the ancient long-gone roman empire sorta pioneered this concept with the “coin of the realm” idea. the euro, which ain’t so hot these days, is a build on it since charlemagne.  the stakes are so huge it would be an insult to even try and convince you because you are already there.

we believe telcos are in a unique position to move the mobile payment world forward, despite the vision-impaired executives at verizon (who would now go work in the netflix marketing department where they belong). players like sprint already are leading as a small mighty mouse as usual in this area,  but asia, as with most things, is way ahead of the u.s.a. on this. so we don’t see them doing it in the u.s.a. we believe all new digital payment innovation will come from asia, driven by a.) smart innovators, b.) a mobile computing-based population of 4 billion people, c.) lots of great mobile device manufacturers who work well with infrastructure players like telcos.

the dea takeaway:

if your are a creative industry content creator or publisher, get educated fast in this area and built these digital payment solutions into everything you build at the service layer. bet on multiple tables and allow your customers multiple payments options. don’t worry about accepting diners club though. we think that is over. (as they say in japan, “we just told a joke to you [now laugh or I lose face]”

if you are a telco executive, try and forget that fact, “think differently” to quote our patron saint steve jobs, and do something your industry never does: innovate. no more excuses about massive capital deployments, security, etc. that is just too lame a set of luddite excuses. all cell phones now have security built in and players like google have baked it in already. wake up and answer the phone! hellooooo! you guys need to lead. you finally woke up to the net at the turn of the century, after pushing stupid failed isdn concepts for decades, don’t make us wait on this for pete’s sake! this is huge! what are we missing here? and revise your tariffs now to make it work and don’t be so greedy like you have been with sms fees which are so high they have completely stifled innovation.

if you are a credit card player like mastercard, visa, amex, etc. continue to make the smart moves you are making with micropayment and mobile payment companies. if you don’t, risk adjustment notwithstanding, you will lose. but the good news is that you guys get it. sorta. keep pushing and spending. this is the future and you know it.

if you are a retailer, check out new alternatives in the payment space. small businesses are loving square up despite some of its severe limitations. monitor google and the phone companies if the later ever start elephant-lumbering forward soon.

invitation from the dea to attend the “Digital Entertainment & Mobile Apps 2.0 Executive Brainstorm & Developer Forum”, 6th April, Palo Alto

15 Mar

the dea would like to invite you to participate in (or send a delegation to) a very different kind of interactive event we are supporting in palo alto on 6th april for senior strategy execs, exploring “new growth opportunities and business models for film, tv and games in a multi-screen, 3d, mobile world”:

The ‘Digital Entertainment 2.0 & Mobile Apps 2.0’ AMERICAS Executive Brainstorm, 6th April

based on new analysis and supported by the dece consortium and the world economic forum, the event uses a unique interactive format (‘Mindshare’) to progress a number of strategic topics:

  • multiplatform services & digital lockers strategies: how to exploit the transition from old to new methods of media consumption?
  • mobile apps 2.0: how to marketing, merchandising and monetising apps?
  • connected home 2.0: how to understand and responding to consumers’ adoption of new devices, technologies and applications?
  • out-appling apple: how to foster alternative distribution ecosystems?

there is also an evening ‘AppCircus’ showcase event with 200 local app developers.

the other participants and stimulus speakers are very senior executives from the hollywood, telecommunications and internet communities.

there is a fee to participate, but the dea has negotiated a 50% discount for our contacts. just use this vip code when you register online – VIP992 – here:


creating fun branded trans-media content for mobility: Tocquigny’s TripCast™by Jeep®

3 Nov

Tocquigny's TripCast™by Jeep®

(eyeball time: 2.5 minutes but you might read faster…or longer if you get into the cool video clip…)

the dea skinny on what’s happening:

check it out… it’s Jeep®’s first iPhone application: TripCast™, a trek-tracking, geo-social sharing utility which leverages iPhone as a mobility platform using all its bells as whistles for Jeep® branding purposes. Check the vid now… please…or else you won’t know what we are talking about below unless you are a savant or swami with powers none of the rest of us have… more below…

a lot of advertising or interactive agencies talk the trans-media talk but few know how to do it. Comes Tocquigny, an amazing austin-based full service interactive, social and mobile marketing firm. they get it on pretty much everything and are creating very innovative trans-media campaigns and solutions to enhance brands.

o.k., more on why we love this iPhone app…

1. this is what great product branding is all about

Tocquigny ‘s TripCast™by Jeep®  fully leverages apple’s iPhone as a mobile entertainment platform for the Jeep® brand… Jeeps® are about adventure. but you knew that. while it is true that you can make a social statement pulling up in a tuxedo or ball gown in a Jeep®  for valet parking at the next met ball in nyc, Jeeps® are more about, well, like taking an adventure trek someplace. to swipe another product’s motto: “share the fantasy!” mobility can also be about adventure, travel, maps, social networking, personal videos and photos…they all are fun and…you got this by now…so are Jeeps®!

that appears to be the general logic behind Jeep’s® TripCast™, which enables you to share and broadcast your trip, via twitter and twitpic to friends and family as a well as map your trip data in real time and listen to iTunes music. you can also store your trip for all kinds of Jeep®-like adventures which are part of the Jeep® “adventure experience” brand: kayaking, biking, and hiking. TripCast™ by Jeep® is a part of a new form of socially branded entertainment emerging in the marketplace. you don’t need a Jeep® to use TripCast™  so it is subversive the way the best advertising always is…it gets you thinking life might be more fun owning a Jeep® having an “adventure experience” parked in your driveway, available on demand . [note to don draper: that is great creative branding.] the trans-media entertainment experience is synonymous with the brand. the iPhone application features leverage the brand and the mobility concept wonderfully in an integrated way.

2. leveraging trans-media content with the mobile platform’s features

most iPhone applications are “hi! I am an application. I happen to be running on your iPhone. but that is just because i can.” true, there are thousands that leverage one or more aspects of the iPhone’s features but most don’t. Jeep’s® TripCast™ goes the extra mile using features built into the iPhone in a broad and deep way most others don’t: real time mapping, the iPhone camera, video, connectivity to facebook and twitter/twitpic, music from the iTunes store and mash ups with gowalla and foursquare’s technologies which run on the mobile platform as well.

3. showing how powerfully trans-media can work for mobile

it is sad but true that most brands simply “get on facebook” and think they are done. they don’t think about how they can leverage their brand  features with the features of the platform with which they are working. the core qualities of what their brand is about…in Jeep®’s case, a mobility metaphor. obviously, Jeep® is a synergistic [sorry, bucky, we had to use that word] brand for mobility. that is what a car/truck/SUV does. it moves around places. like a mobile phone, it is the essence of mobility. Tocquigny’s creative genius was putting these concepts together and expanding the Jeep® adventure experience metaphor into “adventure entertainment tools” linking the brand with the application they built and on the technology platform where they placed it.

the stakes:

according to the latest pricewaterhousecooper’s “2010 global entertainment and media outlook,” the wired and mobile global advertising market will be $66 bb in 2010 and grow at a compound annual growth rate of 11.4% over five years to $103 bb US in 2014. While not the size of exxon’s annual revenues these days, when viewed as a single segment of the worldwide advertising business, it is impressive growth, second only to video games. Anyway, nothing to sneeze at in the world of digital entertainment.

the dea takeaway:

1. brand managers and agencies

get with the trans-media program even more than you are. but don’t get all gimmicky on us with all kinds of gizmos and silly ideas. a good place to start is to think about trans-media venues, platforms and features which would lend themselves well to your advertising brand. then carefully and deliberately map your brand’s core qualities to the target market experiences you can provide and then pick the appropriate content and platforms for them the way Tocquigny did for TripCast™ by Jeep® by selecting the iPhone for a mobile application. make sure they are compelling, aligned with the brand and useful.

2. partner up

you know a lot but not everything. depending on who you are, figure out your ecosystem and do what you do best. if you are a brand manager, find a great agency who understands branding, trans-media, content and technology. if you’re an agency, find people and companies that know how to integrate facebook, foursquare, gowalla and iPhone apps together with content, video, phone and photo assets. if you’re area a content management company, find ways to create, manage and publish content easily across platforms with easy-to-use content management templates (like multiple mobile phone types from different companies, in this case). if you’re a network player, built a value-added services layer into your service architecture to allow closer integration with your mobile partners be they phone manufacturers or content providers… but nobody can do the whole mash up themselves. although it’s getting much easier…

3. the mobility opportunity and its core characteristics

think about all the ways you can leverage the fundamental qualities of the mobility experience…ask yourself some of these key zen mobility questions to get started, add to the list, then work yourself back to the pieces of your puzzle… your brand, your digital venues, your content, and the platform features you can leverage, etc. once you have locked onto some initial creative concepts…you are on your way…

mobility questions

for more information, please contact us at 512.825.6866 to discuss the issues more fully and the specific impact & implications to your business. it’s free!

microsoft’s silverlight and the future of adobe flash and HTML5

3 Jun

(eyeball time: 2.2 minutes but you might read faster…and a bit geeky but important!)

the dea skinny on what’s happening:

microsoft’s silverlight is a free plug-in powered by the microsoft .NET framework and is compatible across browsers, devices and operating systems which plays video like adobe flash does. squashing recent rumors of a potential microsoft silverlight & apple iPhone marriage, after steve jobs slammed flash on the front pages of the wsj and the ny times a few weeks ago, the heightened attention towards the development platform comes as no surprise as discussions about html 5 and flash continue to gain steam. perhaps you can recall its use during the 2008 beijing summer olympics in china when used during the opening ceremonies. on the other side, html 5 is the latest web standard used by developers around the world. advocates claim that the standard will catapult the web into an even more advanced and interactive state.

the stakes:

apple’s dislike – or steve job’s vitriolic hate – for adobe flash can be found at the center of the recent developments fueling conversations. in fact, steve jobs’s latest smashing of anything adobe flash had many speculating what the tech giant plans to offer on its newest iPhone release this summer. adding to the fire, increased adoption and development of html 5 video support by companies such as microsoft also threaten adobe’s flash player. proponents of adobe’s flash player browser plug-in point to its influence over the internet’s current media rich, audio, video and animation environment. without it, the majority of videos online would be not viewable. however, as more and more organizations adopt html 5, the need for vendor specific plug-ins such as microsoft silverlight or adobe’s flash continues to diminish.

the dea takeaway:

for those developing, distributing and creating on the web (which we recognize is quite an ambiguous statement), the debate over which video player is one to watch. this is high stakes since 95% of all sites currently use adobe flash.  many argue that we are on a path to seeing html5 replace adobe’s flash player in the near future. and, while that may be the case in the future, there will be several large road bumps ahead. the first will require an overhaul by all browsers manufacturers to update the video codecs used natively by html 5. the world wide web consortium (W3C), which declined to specify a standard video codec, has placed the onus on these manufacturers. if html 5 is going to truly takeover, than either the browsers need to choose a single codec or figure out a way to publish in multiple formats.

the second hump is found in the shape of legal patented technology. the current h.264 technology mpeg-lis used under license from mpeg-la, a group supported by microsoft and apple. unless alternative encoders such as ogg theora or vp8 from our friends at google gain in popularity, we may see a legal battle ensue.

lastly, the third hump would be the sheer perseverance of adobe flash and its continued evolution of its flash player. the speed at which adobe can produce new innovations outpaces the adoption and implementation of html 5. therefore, browser manufacturers and developers must remain nimble and versatile because the jury is still very much out. and the track record of technology adoption always shows old technologies staying around much longer than you ever expected and the not-so-great ones winning out many times. so watch your parking meters and don’t follow leaders all the time.

for more information, please contact us at 512.825.6866 to discuss the issues more fully and the specific impact & implications to your business. it’s free!

google tv launch and intel and others…the next network?

20 May

(eyeball time: 1.5 minutes but you might read faster…)

the dea skinny on what’s happening:

looks like Oprah isn’t the only one attempting to break into the net tv space. google and intel are expected to announce a breakthrough technology into this space with the unveiling of its “Smart Tv” platform. this new platform will feature an intel atom microprocessor running the google android operating system on a sony bravia television set. this isn’t the first attempt of technology companies to penetrate the tv industry, however, as traditional television companies scramble to add web capabilities and content, google and intel are poised to benefit from such an opportunity.

the stakes:

the net tv trans-media craze is not a new concept. first attempted in 2008 and again with sony’s recent bravia television set, the market for this type of marriage has yet to really catch on. incumbent devices, such as apple’s tv or even gaming systems such as microsoft’s Xbox, continue to lead in delivering Internet content to the home. the digital living room is definitely on the horizon. will google and intel lead us to the promise land? nobody is entirely sure. there are several factors yet to be addressed such as:

  • price points: traditionally, sony’s products are priced on the high-end. with the use of intel’s atom microprocessor, perhaps the prices will become more affordable.
  • learning curve: while google maybe a staple in our vocabulary, adoption of the android platform has yet to become mainstream. adjusting to the operating system may be a deterrent at the beginning for the general public.

the dea takeaway:

this is great news for google developers. the company is expected to call on its android developer community to create applications for tv’s. this is also a great opportunity to showcase that its software could become popular while once again boosting advertising revenues for both online and tv manufacturers. google’s entry into the consumer electronics space adds yet another foot onto their already huge footprint. as the company continues to grow, it will be essential for their competitors to recognize either ways to disrupt its growth or ride their coat tails by getting with the program.

for more information, please contact us at 512.825.6866 to discuss the issues more fully and the specific impact & implications to your business. it’s free!

Oprah is OWN to her next venture

5 Apr

(eyeball time: 2.5 minutes but you might read faster…)

the dea skinny on what’s happening:

in april 2010, Oprah Winfrey unveiled her latest venture expanding the multi-billionaire’s already influential grasp into the world of broadcast television networks. partnering with Discovery Communication, the joint venture called OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network, will be a multi-platform media company designed to entertain, inform and inspire people to live their best lives. OWN will debut to more than 70 million homes, on what is currently the Discovery Health Channel. Set to launch in January 2011, OWN serves as an excellent case study for the future of privately funded media ventures as well as user-generated content across digital entertainment venues and platforms.

the stakes:

The launch of OWN exemplifies the evolution of traditional television broadcasting as it faces continued competition from the internet. surprisingly, instead of putting up their arms in self-defense, television broadcast networks are embracing the internet with open arms. perhaps learning from the mistakes of other industries (i.e. music), traditional tv networks are leveraging the internet to expand their properties online. and let’s not forget it’s Oprah we’re talking about here.  tv shows are no longer limited to a single showing and can provide supplemental content to feed fan demand. clips and exclusive webisodes are creating a subset ecosystem resulting in additional revenue for media owners as well as advertisers.

this seemingly symbiotic relationship between the net and traditional tv networks is creating a new generation of hybrid consumers and producers. here is where OWN TV may set itself a part from other 24/7 channels. OWN looks to source its content directly from its consumers. Positioning its value as a network dedicated to the betterment of “you”, OWN encourages its viewers to share their stories either via video submission or simple Q&As. Coupled with projects hand-picked by Oprah herself, this new channel presents a very limited scope of content. although it may feature different perspectives on certain topics, it is still a niche channel – one that may be entering a highly competitive environment already dominated by channels such as Women’s Entertainment (WE) and the Lifetime Network. it will be worth watching to see if this collaborative model plays to Oprah’s advantage. but Oprah is a brand so it is probably game over and she will win.

the dea takeaway:

for those playing in the online video space, the OWN network has the potential to become an example of a future hybrid model. a model, which we at the dea recognize as a necessary evolution that considers an expanded ecosystem of users, consumers, distributors and producers. if your company fits in any of those categories, we recommend incorporating bite sized pieces (i.e. consumer submissions, social networks, exclusive online video, etc.) into your present day platform. the key will be in smoothly introducing and transitioning your customers to fully engage in these new features around your brand and desired audience experience.

for more information, please contact us at 512.825.6866 to discuss the issues more fully and the specific impact & implications to your business. it’s free!